Monday, 8 April 2013

Love and Fate

You know that one moment,
when we finally realized that we have went head over heels over someone,
that we never thought he/she would be the one to receive our love

We then ask ourselves,
Am I in love?
But why?
how did I?
since when?

This is what I think
Isn't that what we called fate?
stop asking all that questions
fate should not be questioned
accept it with an open heart

May love stay in our hearts
for a heart without love
is a lifeless soul

-Aurora .L-

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Invisible Writer

I just realized

the sentences of "you know me well" and "I know you well" don't really exist in my life. Till now, I have not seen a single mankind who are able to know me well. Yes, sometimes, I admit, you can read me. But, do you understand me? can you?

This is what I thought of before. I thought that people don't really know about me. It was all an act.
The way they acted as if they knew everything about me just pissed me off. but then, I realized that all of that is not important. What's important is that... THEY CARE. If they don't care about me, they won't even be bothered by my absence. they won't asked me, are you okay? why are you crying? are you really okay?.  I realized at that time. I should be appreciative instead of being prejudice. 

She's a girl

She's a girl
whose life is threatened
by a long bridge of critics

She's a girl
who has nothing to be proud of
and to be happy for

She's a girl
whose life is equipped
with a huge burden of the feeling of inferiority

She's a girl
a girl with such a little confidence on herself
belittling herself... it's her thing

She's a girl
an ordinary girl
but with an extraordinary life

The way she is being evasive
towards the world and the people
no one shall blame her for that

This is all I can do for her
which is to understand her
I'm not a good friend

I can't change her
but, maybe, one day,
someone would come
and teach her to smile.

-Aurora .L-

I can finally feel love

When your smile melts my heart
When your pace seems to be inviting me
And when your hand reaches out for mine
I’m afraid
Will everything be alright?
I can’t say it
When the truth is
I really want to shout out those words
I want to show it to you and the world
I love you
My heart is going to burst out of love
I want to hug you
Take your hand
And hold you for a very long time
I just…
love you 

-Aurora .L-

It is my dream. to write poem that describes my heart.
I have to admit. I'm not someone who can easily express what I want and what I think. 
but through poem, It feels as if I can say almost everything.